2025: REFFAY is going to celebrate its 170th anniversary!

As the economy evolves, few family-run industrial SMEs in France have the opportunity to celebrate such a wonderful anniversary ..
REFFAY SAS, will be celebrating its 170th anniversary in 2025.
A retrospective of history spanning over 6 generations
1855Emile REFFAY
In 1855, Emile Reffay set up a company in La Sône (Isère) to produce souvenirs, wooden bobbins and spindles. With his woodturning business, he built up a local customer base of silk farms and weaving mills.
1855 - Emile Reffay and first photo of the team
1905Louis REFFAY
In 1905, Louis REFFAY took over the management of the company. Production of natural silk was booming, and then artificial silk made its appearance just before the war. The factory prospered and expanded.
1905 - Louis Reffay and the company in the 20th century
1936Paul REFFAY
Paul Reffay succeeded his father. Artificial silk and then nylon gave a new boost to the regional textile industry and the REFFAY company. Bobbin production grew.
1936 - Paul Reffay
1950Maurice REFFAY
Under the impulse of Maurice Reffay, the traditional wooden bobbin business evolved to become the industrial production of bakelite bobbins, and then bobbins made of thermosetting plastics. Technological development coupled with new international expansion.
1950 - Maurice Reffay
1993Philippe REFFAY
Phillippe Reffay, who represented the 5th generation, specialised in the processing of thermoplastics, thermosets and composites. REFFAY SAS invested in injection and compression machinery, with 22 presses in 2014.
1993 - Philippe Reffay - press line
2014Edouard REFFAY
A materials engineer, Edouard Reffay joined the family business after several years training with well-known plastics manufacturers. Working alongside Philippe, his technical knowledge and expertise in project management have given the company a new uplift.
2014 - Edouard Reffay
2020REFFAY SAS 165th anniversary celebrations