12 September 2016

Innovation from September 2016

REFFAY SAS has a new thermoplastic press, after acquiring an important market in a new ​​business area. We have not hesitated to invest in this machine in order to respond the customer’s needs. This approach fits perfectly with our strategy to grow the thermoplastics business. We are attentive to your molding thermoplastic projects, that we look forward to achieving with this new machine with the support of our technical team! […]
11 December 2015

Article in Présences magazine

For its 160th birthday, REFFAY SAS wished to communicate in the magazine Presences (CCI Grenoble) to enhance the company, its history, its evolution and its expertise in plastics and composites processing. Want to know more about REFFAY SAS? > Look over your Presences Magazine – issue in December 2015 > Or download the full article by clicking this link Linked articles Good reading !
6 November 2015

Press visit

On the occasion of 160 years of REFFAY SAS, the company wanted to communicate about this remarkable event. We asked the magazine Presences (CCI Grenoble) to realize a report on the company, its history, its evolution and its place today in the local and regional economy. Rare industrial family company in the plastics processing sector, the development of this production site and six generations of Reffay represent the French entrepreneurship […]