1 February 2017

RIST 2017 – Stand L7

The RIST (“Interregional meeting of South-Est subcontracting”) welcomes every year approximately 4500 visitors and 300 exhibitors in the subcontracting sector. We renew our participation so we will have a stand for this 30th edition, which will take place at “parc des expositions” de Valence (Drôme) on March 21st, 22nd and 23rd. You could discover our family story since 1855, the evolution of our know-how, our core business and a selection of some thermoplastics and thermosetting products. We could take the […]
19 December 2016

Happy New Year 2017 !

“2016 was a successful year for REFFAY SAS : conquest of new markets to increase our activity, acquisition of a new press to develop thermoplastics, obtaining a new standard asked by our contractors, numerous development opportunities in different fields … The year 2017 looks promising. We would like to thank all our customers for trusting us for the past 161 years… REFFAY’s team wishes you a Merry Christmas and a […]
15 November 2016

On the way to the ISO26000 standard

The ISO26000 standard is relating to societal responsibility from organizations, which means that it defines how organizations can and must contribute to sustainable development. It has been published since 1st November 2010. The acquisition of this new standard, strongly requested by contractors, will be an added advantage for REFFAY SAS. This will allow us to support our competitive advantage and attract new market.
12 October 2016

Quality department

New service : metrology From now on, our Quality Department performs metrology controls internally, through our new investment : a measurement column on an air cushion, the latest generation. This column completes our control tools panel that we have gathered in our metrology room designed especially for this purpose. Features Measurement system: Measurement accuracy and reliability thanks to the excellent optical incremental measuring system with double reading head. Dynamic probe […]